3-sun 12-step box (4)

My works


Today is Monday, marking the start of a new week. In Japan, many people begin their work anew today, giving the sense of a fresh start to the work year. While this is a new fiscal year for those already working, for newcomers entering society after finishing school, the transition is slightly different. In Japan, students typically graduate in March, and April 1st becomes the official start of their working lives.

Today, I continued working on the 3-sun box I’ve been making recently, focusing on tasks like attaching panels. The top and bottom panels, as well as the side panels, have already been attached. Today, I completed the final aruki panels, both crafting and attaching them. The photo shows the top and bottom panels for this box, while the side panels are made of walnut wood.
As shown in the photo, the top and bottom panels of this box have a slightly softer color tone. This is largely due to the use of nyatoh wood as the primary material. Additionally, the absence of purpleheart wood, which has a stronger hue, may also be a contributing factor. I’m quite pleased with this color combination. I may continue making these in the future😊

In addition to this, I worked on attaching yosegi sheets today. As I mentioned previously, I plan to make the 4-sun double compartment puzzle box, as well as the 4-sun 18-step and the 5-sun 10-step Drawer boxes. I will attach the yosegi sheets to wooden boards. Since it’s not possible to finish everything in one day, I’ll spread the work over two days.
Today, we’re experiencing an unusual spell of steady rain, making it an ideal day for working with yosegi sheets. These sheets are extremely thin and can shrink and come apart if they dry out, causing the adhesive to fail. Therefore, maintaining proper humidity is crucial. In the workshops of craftsmen who produce yosegi sheets, humidifiers are constantly used to intentionally increase the humidity level.
I will likely make further progress on several tasks tomorrow as well.
