Today, I’ve started a new production process for 4-sun 18-step Japanese puzzle boxes. I plan to produce about 60 pieces. Most of them are orders from overseas shops, but some will be added to my personal inventory.
For the 4-sun size, I haven’t made many 18-step puzzle boxes in the past. However, since I’ve been limiting the production of 4-sun boxes with 4 steps, 7 steps, or 14 steps recently, I may start producing more 18-step boxes in the future. Lower-step boxes, such as those with fewer than 18 steps, are widely available and mass-produced by many others. For this reason, I’ve decided to avoid making those intentionally.
Going forward, I plan to focus on creating items that other craftsmen are not producing. This also applies to the shapes of puzzle boxes. I’m considering producing more unique shapes and sizes instead of the standard 4-sun size.
The 18-step puzzle box can utilize most of the same parts as the 14-step and 7-step models. It could be described as a 14-step model with an additional back panel (the rear-side Aruki). Therefore, the thickness of the Aruki itself is also 6.5 mm, the same as the 14-step model. However, an additional staircase-like step has been added to increase the number of steps. Since 18-step boxes are not produced in large quantities, they are also a popular model.
Today, in addition to my other ongoing work, I attached the side panels for the 2-sun cube puzzle boxes. As you can see in the photo, the lid panel (top panel?) features the usual solid wood striped pattern. I had paused this work for a while to allow the boards to dry, but since they are thin, I decided they were ready to use. The recent dry weather has made the drying process quite efficient 😊
I’m trying out a slightly unique design this time, which I’m looking forward to seeing completed. As I was working, I started thinking that this might not only result in a fresh design but also inspire new mechanisms to emerge from this idea 😁